About prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK, with 1 in 8 men being diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime.

Early detection can lead to improved outcomes and greater treatment choices, yet research has shown talking about prostate cancer is something men find very difficult.  

Who's at risk of developing prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, with that risk increasing with age.

While there’s no single thing that causes prostate cancer, there are risk factors which can increase the risk of developing the disease:

These include:

  • Age – prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, but your risk increases significantly from age 50
  • Genetics - Family history of breast or prostate cancer
  • Weight - Being obese or overweight
  • Ethnicity - men of black ethnicity are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men from white or Asian backgrounds
  • Hormones - research has shown men with higher levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are at higher risk 

If you have any of these risk factors, you may want to discuss having more regular prostate screenings with your GP or you can make an appointment to see one of our consultants. 

Worried about prostate cancer?

GenesisCare provides fast access to the latest tests and scans, and innovative treatment options for prostate cancer. We're recognised by all major insurers or you can self fund.


Prostate cancer symptoms

With early-stage prostate cancer there are often no symptoms.  But as the prostate cancer grows, it may start to press on the bladder and urethra, causing symptoms that include:


Symptoms of prostate cancer that has spread can include:

  • bone pain
  • difficulty getting or keeping erections
  • unexplained weight loss.

Having one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. Other non-cancerous conditions such as an enlarged prostate (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) or prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) can cause similar problems. However, it’s important not to ignore symptoms and see a doctor so they can give you the appropriate advice, diagnosis, and treatment if necessary.

Raising awareness and much needed funds

Research shows people living in rural areas - and farmers in particular - are less likely to engage in preventative health measures, including cancer screenings.  This is due to a number of reasons, but one key factor is that many farmers simply prioritise work over their personal health.

Growing awareness of the disease and the importance of early detection is something close to 58-year-old Andrew Gibson's heart.

In April 2020, after experiencing ‘twinges’ for some time, Andrew collapsed while refereeing a rugby match.  Shortly afterwards he was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and was given just two years to live.

Today, over four years later and having undergone extensive treatment including chemotherapy and precision radiotherapy at GenesisCare in Bristol, Andrew knows he’s on borrowed time. Yet rather than slowing down, he’s pledged to plough on, and this September he’s embarking on a 500-mile solo road trip by tractor to raise awareness of the importance of ‘harvesting your prostate health’ among the farming community and raising funds for Prostate Cancer UK in the process.

“I can’t run marathons or climb mountains anymore.  But I do love a road trip and as a country boy at heart there’s nothing more exciting to me than riding a tractor.” - Andrew

Andrew sets off on his tractor road trip from Badminton Estate on 17th September, journeying through the English countryside arriving at Hoghton Tower, near his former Ambulance Station in Chorley, Lancashire. The following day he’ll drive the return leg, finishing at the GenesisCare outpatient centre in Bristol where he’s been receiving treatment since his diagnosis. 

Find out more about Andrew’s challenge and donate to Prostate Cancer UK

About GenesisCare

GenesisCare UK are proud to support Andrew in his personal mission to raise awareness of prostate cancer. By sharing his journey, he’s shedding light on an important health issue that affects countless lives, ensuring others are better informed and seek early intervention.

As the UK’s leading independent provider of cancer care, GenesisCare UK offer fast access to cutting-edge tests, scans and treatment technology for prostate cancer, combined with compassionate, world-class care.

With teams of nationally recognised cancer experts including prostate cancer consultants and advanced radiotherapy practitioners, design personalised care plans based on individual diagnosis and preferences, we provide treatment starting within days.

Our patients can access the latest tests and treatments, covered by all major private insurers or through self-payment.

We support people through their cancer journey with wellness programmes through our unique partnership with national charity, Penny Brohn UK and exercise medicine , proven to give cancer patients the best possible life outcomes, by helping their body to heal itself.

Worried about symptoms or want to know more about prostate cancer and the latest prostate cancer treatments available?

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